Airpaz Optimizes Travel Data Workflows with Kestra

This is the story of how Airpaz, a leading travel service provider, utilized Kestra to enhance data orchestration, automate workflows, and improve overall efficiency in the travel booking experience.

This is the story of how Airpaz, a leading travel service provider, utilized Kestra to enhance data orchestration, automate workflows, and improve overall efficiency in the travel booking experience.

"Thank you for your hard work in creating this good software. It is beginner-friendly and easy to customize"

Daniel Theodorus

About Airpaz

Since its creation in 2011, Airpaz has embarked on an ambitious journey to transform the travel industry. Initially focusing on flight ticket sales, the company has evolved to encompass a broad range of travel services, including international flights and accommodation bookings. As a third-party aggregator, Airpaz has successfully facilitated travel for over 3 million people, leveraging a diverse range of airlines and accommodation partners. Their commitment to enhancing the travel booking experience is reflected in their user-centric platform, which offers features like flexible payments, effortless booking management, and best-in-class customer support.

Operating primarily in the Southeast Asia market, with a footprint extending to Australia, China, Japan, and beyond, Airpaz aims to cater to the global travel community. To achieve this, they required a robust solution to efficiently orchestrate their data workflows.

Enhancing Data Management with Kestra

Airpaz faced significant challenges with their data architecture as they expanded their services. Integrating multiple data sources, including CRM systems, product databases, and external sources like Google Ads, required a flexible and scalable solution. Their existing system, composed of ClickHouse for database management and custom Python scripts for data ingestion, struggled to keep up with the growing complexity.

“We needed a tool that integrated seamlessly with our tech stack while accommodating the custom logic essential for our diverse data operations.”

Explained the Data Engineering team at Airpaz.

“The challenge was orchestrating data pipelines across varied inputs efficiently without overwhelming our development team.”

Discovering Kestra

The search for an optimal data orchestration tool led Airpaz to Kestra. Unlike other platforms, Kestra stood out for its simplicity, developer-friendly environment, and visual interface for flow design. The YAML-like configuration of Kestra resonated with Airpaz's preference for straightforward, manageable workflows.

" We could see how straightforward it was to integrate Kestra into our existing systems. Its developer-friendly environment and visual interface for flow design made it the ideal choice for us."

Simpler Integration and Workflow Design

With Kestra, Airpaz transformed its data orchestration processes, automating previously manual data pipelines and establishing greater control over data flows. Kestra's visual interface streamlined the workflow design process, making it accessible for developers and data engineers to conceptualize, implement, and manage data flows.

“Kestra's visual interface and YAML configurations significantly reduced the learning curve and operational complexity, we could easily design, test, and deploy workflows without extensive scripting.”

What’s Next for Airpaz

Kestra has become an indispensable tool for Airpaz, transforming how they manage and orchestrate their data workflows. The platform's simplicity, powerful YAML-based configurations, and intuitive visual interface have empowered Airpaz to automate complex processes and maintain robust data pipelines.

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